
We present the software package ASAP, mainly devoted to the presentation and analysis of fluid models of astrophysical plasmas. ASAP allows to generate optically thin X-ray and UV spectra emitted by plasma of given density, temperature and velocity, by means of well established spectral synthesis codes; the emission can then be easily folded with the instrumental response of interest and compared directly with measurements, or can be used to predict the performance of planned instruments. As examples of typical applications of the ASAP package, we show high resolution emission spectra derived from 1D static models of coronal loops, detailed fitting with coronal loop models of observations made with the ROSAT/PSPC instrument, hydrodynamic simulations of a solar flaring loop as seen by the Yohkoh satellite, and the evolution of line emission from a dense blob of interstellar plasma subject to the passage of a shock. The package, designed to be highly flexible, modular, and easily expandable, is expected to evolve and grow rapidly in response to new needs and required tasks. It operates within the IDL environment, and it is under consideration for being included in the SOHO Archive System.

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