
In a series of papers, in 1993, 1994 & 1996, Sloan & Niederreiter introduced a modification of lattice rules for non-periodic functions, called "vertex modified lattice rules"', and a particular breed called "optimal vertex modified lattice rules". In the 1994 paper, Niederreiter & Sloan concentrate explicitly on Fibonacci lattice rules, which are a particular good choice of 2-dimensional lattice rules. Error bounds in this series of papers were given related to the star discrepancy. In this paper we pose the problem in terms of the so-called unanchored Sobolev space, which is a reproducing kernel Hilbert space often studied nowadays in which functions have $L_2$-integrable mixed first derivatives. It is known constructively that randomly shifted lattice rules, as well as deterministic tent-transformed lattice rules and deterministic fully symmetrized lattice rules can achieve close to $O(N^{-1})$ convergence in this space, see Sloan, Kuo & Joe (2002) and Dick, Nuyens & Pillichshammer (2014) respectively. We derive a break down of the worst-case error of vertex modified lattice rules in the unanchored Sobolev space in terms of the worst-case error in a Korobov space, a multilinear space and some additional "mixture term". For the 1-dimensional case this worst-case error is obvious and gives an explicit expression for the trapezoidal rule. In the 2-dimensional case this mixture term also takes on an explicit form for which we derive upper and lower bounds. For this case we prove that there exist lattice rules with a nice worst-case error bound with the additional mixture term of the form $N^{-1} \log^2(N)$.

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