
Aim. To analyse the availability of nasal corticostyroids (NC) in the regional market (on the example of Lviv region).Results. It was found that the average retail prices (ARP) of 5 international non-proprietary names of NC in the form of 15 trade names were in the range from 127.35 to 440.13 UAH in 2019, from 158.12 to 461.75 UAH in 2020 and from 187.2 to 562.9 UAH in 2021. The prices of one DDD of the analysed NC ranged from 2.88 UAH to 15.76 UAH in 2019, from 3.27 to 19.5 UAH in 2020 and from 6.5 UAH to UAH 18.76 in 2021. Despite the growth of the ARP, the availability rate for the most NC was higher than one. It was found that the competitiveness of the NC was characterized by annual instability.Conclusions. Based on the study of ARP as a separate package and one DDD of 5 international non-proprietary names of NC in the form of 15 trade names, which were presented in the regional market of Lviv region every month from January 2019 to January 2021, it was found that prices for most NC increased. Analysis of the availability index of NC revealed that for more than two thirds of NC it was higher than one. Thus, the average salary for the analysed period grew faster than the ARP of NC. Using graphical and mathematical methods of competitiveness assessment, it was shown that the price situation and the width of the distribution channel in the regional market of NC was quite unstable, which requires constant monitoring. Key words: nasal corticosteroids; average retail prices; DDD; availability; competitiveness


  • It was found that the average retail prices (ARP) of 5 international non-proprietary names of nasal corticosteroids (NC) in the form of 15 trade names were in the range from 127.35 to 440.13 UAH in 2019, from 158.12 to 461.75 UAH in 2020 and from 187.2 to 562.9 UAH in 2021

  • It was found that the competitiveness of the NC was characterized by annual instability

  • Based on the study of ARP both as a separate pack and one DDD of 5 international non-proprietary names of NC in the form of 15 trade names presented at the regional market of the Lviv region every month from January 2019 to January 2021, it was found that prices for most NC increased

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Аналіз доступності інтраназальних кортикостироїдів на регіональному ринку

Метою роботи було дослідження доступності інтраназальних кортикостероїдів (ІНКС) на регіональному ринку (на прикладі Львівської області). Що середні роздрібні ціни (СРЦ) 5 міжнародних непатентованих назв ІНКС у вигляді 15 торгових назв перебували в межах від 127,35 до 440,13 грн у 2019 р., від 158,12 до 461,75 грн у 2020 р. Ціни однієї DDD досліджуваних ІНКС коливалися в межах від 2,88 до 15,76 грн у 2019, від 3,27 до 19,5 грн у 2020 р. Незважаючи на зростання СРЦ, показник доступності для більшості ІНКС був вищий за одиницю. На підставі дослідження СРЦ як окремого паковання, так і однієї DDD 5 міжнародних непатентованих назв ІНКС у вигляді 15 торгових назв, які були наявні на регіональному ринку Львівської області кожного місяця з січня 2019 до січня 2021 рр., з’ясовано, що ціни на більшість ІНКС мали тенденцію до зростання. To analyze the availability of nasal corticosteroids (NC) at the regional market (on the example of the Lviv region)

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