
The study entitled “The analysis of strategy of politeness in Manga “detective Conan” 81 st edition” aims to describe the use of strategy of politeness in Manga “detective conan” 81 st edition. Detective conan is a manga written by Aoyama Gosho which tells the story about a smart little boy “Conan” who is actually a high school student detective in Teitan school named Shinici Kudo. His body was wane like a pupil by a strange drug from black organization. Although his body like a primary school children, his mind is same as a high school student like he used to be when he was Shinici Kudo. Most of the stories tell about Conan’s experience involved with murder cases, so that the topics which discuss in this story are almost about criminal cases. This research utilizes pragmatic approach; the theory used is politeness strategy. The data in this study used verbal expression which is taken from comic book “Detective Conan” 81 st edition that has been translated into Indonesian language. The analyzing of data is done by point out some utterances and identified them into which one strategy of politeness it used. After identified them into each strategy used the researcher found out which one is dominant strategy used. Based on research, it found that there are four strategies of politeness which is used in Manga Detective Conan 81 st edition. Such as bald on record, negative politeness, positive politeness and off record strategies. Based on the data finding, bald on record strategy is the most strategy used in Manga Detective Conan 81 st edition. This case happened because of the field and the situation of the speaker and hearer were in dangerous places and criminal area which make them should doing speech act by bald on record.

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