
Numerous studies have proved that microscopic fungi take part in the pathogenesis of various human diseases, so micromycetes in the air of indoor spaces are considered as a factor that negatively affects to human health. Concentration in medical institutions sick persons pertain to groups of high risk of development of opportunistic infectious diseases dictates the need of conducting control of mycetogenic contamination of rooms. Purpose of the study: research of quantitative structure and specific variety of a mykobiota of the department’s air in one of health care centers of Nizhny Novgorod. Materials and methods. Sampling of air was made by an aspiration method on Petri dish with solid mediums. Then was defined the maintenance of colony forming units (CFU) in 1000 liters of air. Specific identification of the marked-out cultures was carried out by classical bacteriological methods on their morphological and cultural features. Results. It was established that in air of the surveyed departments 32 various species of the mold fungi belonging to the class Hyphomycetes in total circulates. At assessment of specific structure it was established that representatives of two species – Aspergillus niger and Penicillium simplicissium most often met. Except them Alternaria longipes, Fusarium gibbosum, Cladosporium elatum were most often allocated. Conclusion. The conducted researches have shown that in air of the surveyed departments the microscopic fungi relating to pronounced aeroallergens are circulate. The obtained data can serve as a prerequisite for development of a microbiological method of assessment of a sanitary condition of health care centers and degree of their potential health hazard to patients.

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