
The moral value of students at SDN 3 Padangan Ngantru of Tulungagung is low. Almost students at SDN 3 Padangan is unrespectful for their teacher and their classmate. The student in there not understand about moral value in story book of Indonesian Language "Aku Bangga Bahasa Indonesia" third grade of elementary school. The purpose of this research is to describe the moral value and the technique of explaining about moral value in story book of Indonesian Language "Aku Bangga Bahasa Indonesia" third grade of elementary school. Data collection methods of this research uses an unstructure interview, and documentation. The instrument that used is corpus data and text about unstructure interview and documentation to support a research. The data analysis of moral value that result in story book of Indonesian Language "Aku Bangga Bahasa Indonesia" third grade of elementary school if there is any moral value about the relationship between people and theirself like diligent, felling to know, discipline, agreement, and brave person. The moral value about the relationship between people and another is helping, care, responsible, back up, group work. The moral value about the relationship between people and God is grateful, and the moral value about the relationship between people and environment is care. The technique of moral value explain is 22 quotes and not only 4 quotes.

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