
This article includes the analysis of modern ways of sampling personnel. Several ways are presented in detail: the significance of the section of personnel, the methods of searching personnel in Lithuania and in the world's practice, job agencies in Lithuania ‐ their types and advantages, the specifics of job hunting in different sources. The conclusions about searching for personnel on‐line: advantages, shortcommings, technical aspects (are given different ways of searching for personnel), effectiveness (in percents) are compared. Some aspects are illustrated by pictures (the most effective ways of searching for personnel).


  • This article includes the analysis of modern ways of sampling personnel

  • Several ways are presented in detail

  • Some aspects are illustrated by pictures

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Kai ámonei reikia ádarbinti naujà darbuotojà, kyla problema – kaip ir kur rasti patá geriausià. Egzistuoja daug ávairiausiø personalo paieðkos bûdø, kuriø skaièius gali bûti ribojamas tik ámoniø vadovø ar personalo skyriø darbuotojø fantazijos. Tobulëjant technologijoms ir arðëjant konkurencinei kovai dël gerø specialistø, ámonës atranda vis daugiau bûdø rasti ir pritraukti naujus protus. Neámanoma aptarti ir apraðyti visø galimø darbuotojø paieðkos ir atrankos bûdø, todël ðiame straipsnyje trumpai aptarsime pagrindinius, daþniausiai taikomus metodus

Personalo skyrius: jo reikðmë ir indëlis á ámonës veiklà
Personalo paieðkos ir atrankos metodai pasaulinëje ir Lietuvos praktikoje
Ádarbinimo agentûros Lietuvoje
Darbuotojø paieðkos ávairiuose ðaltiniuose specifika
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