
Nowadays, disaster learning materials on SMA don’t usea suitable context based on conditions in the field. One of the material should be well understood by the student is flood. Susceptible area toward flood usually lies near coastal area. SampangRegency physically identified as coastal area. It’s spreadthe entire northern part and southern part of Madura Island. This region is exposed by flood every year especially on the rainy season. Typical of a flood could be divided into three kinds; tidal flood, river flood, and combination of tidal and river overflow. The recent flood was triggered by Kali Kemuning. Kali Kemuningspills over every year on rainy season. It affects local inhabitant who lives along riparian and it’s surrounding. Based on Indonesia Statistical Bureau (BPS) data people who exposed by flood in Sampang 1,793 each km2. Its large amount of people became vulnerable. This research was designed in qualitative research. The data is collected by primary and secondary. Primary data was collected from field observation and in-depth interviews. Meanwhile, the secondary data was collected from government institutions; Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD), National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB), Inarisk BNPB, andCentral Bureau of Statistics (BPS). The result represents several parts in Sampangthat are susceptible to flooding especially along the coastal area and river riparian. The recent condition in April 2019 showed that the Government build the river wall to reduce flood impact. Local people, insight view toward flood is a usual phenomenon. The condition above explainsthat before learning mitigation material in SMA, the students should understand well how to cope with flood disaster risk.

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