
PBL is a learning model that focuses on students or student centers Learning development oriented to HOTS is a program developed as an effort of the ministry of education and culture through the directorate general teachers and education staff (DG GTK) in an effort to improve the quality of learning and improve quality, especially in the subjects of moral creed. The design of this study uses the type of research that is included in the field research category. Seen qualitatively from data input, process, output. This research was conducted at MTsN 1 Lima Puluh Kota. from March to June 2020. Data collection methods were obtained by in-depth interviews with 5 informants, and focus group discussions with 30 students. While data validation is done by source triangulation and method triangulation. The results showed that the implementation of HOTS with the PBL learning model especially in the subject of aqeedah morals was still not in accordance with the expectations or provisions provided by the central government. In terms of Inputs (Funds, Human Resources, Facilities) available in MTsN 1 Lima Puluh Kota in general already exist and are available but do not meet the needs in the field, in terms of the implementation process is only based on education unit level curriculum and program implementation manuals, the program budget is still minimal. The implementation of these activities is still constrained by means of funds and time so that the expected optimization of activities according to the instructions given by the government has not reached its objectives. Whereas in the output of learning tools are available and the value of students is mostly above the minimal completeness criteria madrasah. Based on the results of the study, it is suggested that MTsN 1 Lima Puluh Kota be able to facilitate madrasah facilities and infrastructure, conduct socialization about learning models to students. As well as continuous improvement of monitoring and evaluation, so that learning targets can be achieved according to needs.

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