
AbstractLandslides disaster is the third biggest disaster in the last ten years in Indonesia. The impact of landslides has resulted in many materials and non-material losses, such as casualties, physical impacts, environmental health, and socio-economy. Mitigation efforts are needed to reduce and even eliminate losses due to land-slides. In this study, the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method is used to assess the impact and mitigation of landslides so that the right decisions can be taken to deal with this problem. Questionnaires were conducted on 20 experts in the fields of disaster, geotechnical, geology and environment through direct distribution of questionnaires and google forms. The Likert scale is used as an additional method to obtain weights from the indicators contained in the last level of landslide mitigation. The results show that using the AHP method can identify the direct impacts felt by the community and the most dominant impacts occur due to landslides so that the most suitable mitigation efforts can be chosen based on the environmental conditions experiencing the disaster. Mitigation efforts before the disaster is one of the steps that must be taken to reduce the impact caused by landslides, structural and non-structural mitigation is carried out to mitigate the landslide hazard.KeywordsLandslideMitigationAHP

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