
The relevance of the work is due to the growing influence of the processes of globalization and the need for a systematic and theoretical understanding of the interdependence of different levels of development and adaptation of the political system in the modern world. The situation of the COVID pandemic, which began in 2020 and demonstrated the dominance of global attitudes and rules over regional and local attitudes and rules, gives special relevance to this article. The purpose of the work is to clarify the essence and possibilities of applying system analysis to the process of public administration at the level of global integration, regional and local levels of public administration. At the same time, the essence of system analysis is not reduced to solving problems of management and decision-making on very complex problems, but a complete system and methodology for analyzing the adaptation practices of modern political systems at the global, regional and local levels is built. The author comes to the conclusion that it is the local level that is the basis for the formation of the modern political system, and it is worth focusing on it, and not on the global and regional levels, when carrying out certain political changes and transformations. The regional level is an add-on to the local level, and can include multiple local levels. The task of the regional level is to prevent conflict between multiple localities, to ensure their harmonious coexistence and development. Due to the spread of digitalization, the regional level loses its function as an intermediary between the local and the global. The global level of formation of the political system today, in turn, is an “umbrella” level. It appears as a categorical imperative of the political system, but it is not its mandatory guide or guide of development.


  • Напротив, определила необходимость закрытия границ и неготовность правительств к международной кооперации во имя всеобщего блага

  • Все попытки создания единого мирового пути развития терпят неудачи по причине ориентира именно на глобальный уровень — в реальности создать и реализовать единую модель формирования и развития политической системы, при которой различные экономические и политические решения приводят к политическому, экономическому, социальному и экологическому прогрессу, не находят практической реализации

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D. The Analysis of Factors of Formation of the Modern System of Political Governance: Global, Regional and Local Levels // Administrative consulting. Подобная противоречивая ситуация демонстрирует как минимум необходимость теоретического переосмысления факторов формирования современной системы политического управления [24].

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