
This research aimed to describe the student’ creative thinking skill of two variables on linear equations system viewed from the strong mathematical habit of mind. The indicators of creative thinking skill include fluency, flexibility, and novelty. This research was a qualitative descriptive study. The subjects of this research were 7 students of IX A class at SMP N 4 Playen Gunungkidul. The data collection methods were a questionnaire, test, and interview to discover the students who had strong mathematical habit of mind. The research instruments had been validated by using triangulation method. The result showed that there were 2 students (2 8.58%) conformed with fluency indicator (it was categorized as less creative), there was 1 student (1 4. 2 8 °%o) conformed with flexibility indicator (it was categorized as adequate creative), and there were 4 students (5 7. 1 4°%o) namely 3 students conformed with fluency and flexibility indicator and student conformed with the indicators of fluency and novelty (it was categorized as creative). The analysis showed that the students who had strong mathematical habit of mind still there in the students who had less creative. There was no students who had strong mathematical habit of mind in the students who had very creative thinking skill. This was caused by the difficulty of students in turning contextual questions into mathematical sentences and lack of confidence in using various ways to solve the problems. The students tended to use some procedural steps in solving the problems. Therefore it was necessary to emphasize a good understanding of algebra concept and the practice of varying questions so that the students were not mistaken in using algebraic concepts and had no difficulty in solving non-routine algebraic questions.

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