
Since radio telescope is the main tool for human being to search the universe secret, the astronomer reached unanimity at the 24th URSI Conference in Kyota, Japan, 1993, and proposed to construct the next generation of the large radio telescope (LT) (Nan & Peng, 2000). From then on, the astronomer of China began the project of Five-hundred meter Aperture Spherical radio Telescope (FAST) (Qiu, 1998; Li, 1998). It is well known that Arecibo is the breakthrough of radio telescope. Its main mirror, 305m in diameter, is fixed on the karst base, and an elaborately designed feed system illuminates a part of the mirror which forms an effective aperture of the telescope with about 200m. The feed system is movable at a height of about 100 m for tracking the object to be observed. The enormous receiving area of the telescope will enable it to make many important astronomical discoveries inaccessible to lesser instruments, despite its small sky coverage (20° zenith scan angle), due to geometrical configuration, and narrow frequency bandwidth, originated from spherical aberration. An upgrade project has recently been carried out for the Arecibo telescope, in which a heavy and complex hence expensive Gregorian dualreflector feed system is introduced for correcting the spherical aberration and a broad bandwidth is affected (Duan, 1999). For the sake of satisfying the requirements of low cost and broad bandwidth, the project group of FAST decided to substitute the fixed spherical reflector with active reflector units. As shown in Fig. 1(a), the reflector consists of almost 2000 elementary reflector units. Fig. 1(b) shows some active reflector units and supporting mechanisms. The reflector unit is small part of spherical surface of regular hexagon and is driven by a supporting mechanism. The part of spherical reflector illuminated by the feed is continuously adjusted to fit a paraboloid of revolution in real-time, synchronous with the motion of the feed while tracking the object to be observed. As it is now free from spherical aberration, a simple, light, hence cheap feed system may be adopted to achieve broad bandwidth and full polarization. In order to fit a paraboloid of revolution, it is necessary that every reflector units should be driven by a supporting mechanism with two rotational degrees of freedom and one translational degree of freedom (Luo et al., 2000). That means almost 6000 control nodes on the whole active reflector should be managed and controled at the same time. It is supposed to be very difficult, so a sharing strategy is derived to decrease the number of nodes, which

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