
A Young Attorney Presents for Outpatient Treatment of Depression Ms.Bisa32-year-oldsingleCaucasianwomanwhowasreferred byafriend’spsychiatristformentalhealthtreatmentforthe first time after a 4-month period of depression. She reported persistent feelings of “emptiness” and “worthlessness,” increased sleeping with difficulty getting out of bed, impaired concentration, decreased energy nearly every day, slight weight gain, and ruminations about her childhood and family life. The depressionstartedaftershewastoldather firmthatshewasnotgoingto be considered for partnership. Her initial reaction was one of anger, bitter disappointment, and shame, but this gave way to feelingsofdepressionandworryaboutherfuture.Sheadmittedto thoughts of death and dying but denied having any suicidal ideation. Ms. B does notdrink alcoholor use any other substances and she denies ever having felt “manic.” Her physical health is good. Ms. B also reported that she did not consider her life, in general, to be satisfactory or fulfilling. Although she had been highly successful in school, earning excellent grades at a firstrate college and law school, she has had difficulty making friends and now sees the few friends who she believes “like her” only occasionally, for “attention” and “support.” She has only“dated”oneman,brieflyincollege,butshefeltinhibitedin the relationship, afraid and ashamed to let the man know that she cared about him. Even though they drifted apart after only afewmonths,sheoftenthinksofhimandwonderswhetherher life would be better if they had gotten together. She is pessimisticaboutherprospectsforanotherrelationshipinthefuture because she believes that it would be very hard for her to find someone who would live up to her expectations. Ms. B has few interests outside of work. With respect to music, art, or sports, she said that whatever she tried, she was “not very good at it,” quickly lost interest, and gave up.

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