
The article is devoted to the pressing issue of information support of territorial development processes. In the modern world, processes of information support of operational processes are of great relevance. Information and analytical support is the basis for making effective management decisions. In systems of urban development, urban and territorial development, the information component aims at ensuring the realization of three factors of development: economy, ecology and social development. In the conditions of sustainable development of society all three directions are balanced. However, due to certain imbalances in the system, humanity is searching for new forms of providing a comfortable life, work and leisure. Suburbanization has become one of these forms. Suburbanization is a trend of modern development of cities and territories in developed countries, which have high rates of socio-economic security. Suburbanisation is the process of centering the flow of people from large centers of economic gravity to the suburban area, which has the best environmental performance, which is possible in the case of ensuring the social component of human life. The relevance of suburbanization processes has necessitated the need for research on information and analytical support for these processes. In particular, the basic elements of the model of the structure of the urban planning system were identified and the dual connections of information support of decision-making for the development of urban planning systems were analyzed. On the basis of this analysis the task of information support of town-planning systems was determined. Based on the analysis of problems of special theory of urban planning information systems, it is proposed to develop an algorithm for information and analytical support of urban planning systems in the context of suburbanization processes. It has been determined that the automation of information support processes for urban planning systems management in today's digital society is the basis for the formation of effective urban development activities. In a three-prong urban development model that integrates issues of economy, ecology and social protection, suburbanization issues play a crucial role. The processing, analysis and evaluation of information on the development of town-planning systems make it possible to determine the leading trends and tendencies of development, as well as to predict the design of processes of town-planning activity. Keywords: urban planning, management of urban planning systems, suburbanization, information systems

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