
The recently derived current algebra of classical non-linear sigma models on arbitrary Riemannian manifolds is extended to include the energy-momentum tensor. It is found that in two dimensions the energy-momentum tensor $\theta_{\mu\nu}$, the Noether current $j_\mu$ associated with the global symmetry of the theory and the composite field $j$ appearing as the coefficient of the Schwinger term in the current algebra, together with the derivatives of $j_\mu$ and $j$, generate a closed algebra. The subalgebra generated by the light-cone components of the energy-momentum tensor consists of two commuting copies of the Virasoro algebra, with central charge $\, c\!=\!0 $, reflecting the classical conformal invariance of the theory, but the current algebra part and the semidirect product structure are quite different from the usual Kac-Moody / Sugawara type construction.

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