
The AKARI Deep Field South (ADF-S) is a ~12 sq. deg. region near the South Ecliptic Pole that has been observed with deep scans in the far-infrared by the AKARI satellite. As such it is becoming one of the key extragalactic survey fields. We here present complementary observations of the ADF-S conducted by the Spitzer Space Telescope at wavelengths of 24 and 70 micron. We extract source catalogs at each of these wavelengths reaching depths of ~ 0.2mJy at 24 micron and ~ 20mJy at 70 micron. We also apply an K-to-24 micron colour criterion to select objects with galaxy-like colours in the 24 micron survey. Completeness corrections as a function of flux density are derived for both catalogs by injecting artificial sources of known flux density into the maps, and we find that our surbveys are 50% complete at 0.26mJy and 24mJy at 24 and 70 micron respectively. We can thus produce number counts as a function of flux density for the ADF-S at 24 and 70 micron. These are combined with existing literature counts and compared to four different number count models derived from galaxy evolution models. One complicating factor for the ADF-S counts is the presence of a foreground galaxy cluster at z=0.04 in the field. We examine the ranges of flux densities to which this cluster might make a contribution to the counts and find hints that the 24 micron luminosity function of the cluster galaxies might be enhanced above that of field galaxies. Full catalogs for these ADF-S Spitzer surveys at 24 and 70 micron are made available as part of this paper.

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