
6G-7G Hz (U6G) is one promising frequency band and will be utilized in 5G evolution period, but this frequency band has been occupied by non-terrestrial network (NTN) networks in some countries. The interference assessment between NTN and 5G evolution services in U6G is one of key issues needed to be considered before the large-scale deployment of U6G band in 5G evolution. Therefore, the clutter loss (CL) model is pivotal to the different systems co-existence evaluations. ITU-R has issued a Recommendation (ITU-R P.2108) giving CL model for the estimation of clutter loss at three different terminal environments for varied frequency range. However, the clutter loss model for NTN environment in ITU-R P.2108 only supports the frequency range from 10G Hz to 100 GHz and can be applicable to the terminal heights of below 5 m. In this paper, the clutter loss measurement and simulation below 10 GHz for NTN scenario has been conducted at different terminal heights on the ground in urban and suburban environments. Furthermore, the CL model is extended to the frequency bands below 10G Hz. In the proposed CL model, the terminal height is considered, which has high impact on the CL results. Taking 4-6m base station height as a baseline, we provide different ground station height results analysis based on both real measurement and ray-tracing simulation. An additional adjusting factor α is modelled to reflect different antenna height characteristics. The CL model will be adopted to the NTN and 5G evolution systems co-existence evaluation.

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