
The article acknowledges the formation of bacterial biofilms in strains of bacteria species Klebsiella oxytoca and Klebsiella pneumoniae when grown in liquid media under the influence of negative factors (chemical factor) — containing agents. Biofilms, as a community of microorganisms cause many chronic infections (meningitis, inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity, urogenital infections) and create problems in the industry (fouling of processing equipment, ship hulls, oil platforms, biocorrosion metal products). Ordinary disinfectants, such as chlorine and sodium chlorite, can not remove the biofilm, so finding an effective means of dealing with them is enough actual problem. Various antibacterial agents are ineffective in combating biofilms, since bacteria produce large amounts of polysaccharides — substances that help the colony stay without disintegration. Polysaccharide serves as a barrier layer for substances in water, including for biocides. This is the main reason for the survival of microorganisms even in the heavily chlorinated water. In the study the latest data took into account on the subject, especially concerning adverse effects of oxygen on the growth of bacterial cells and directs action as a factor in the formation of biofilms. In our study we analyzed the latest generation disinfectant as an influencing factor. Working concentrations were shown in three embodiments. The number of strains studied was 6 (3 strains of each species). All strains were obtained from the Department of Museum MVE and VSE Ulyanovsk State Agricultural Academy n.a. P.A. Stolypin. In our research the biofilm community formation phenomenon has been confirmed, marked differences in biofilm formation, depending on the intensity (in this case, concentration) of the promoter and bacteria species. In vivo biofilm is easily destroyed by mechanical action (shaking test tubes with the medium). Biofilm recovery after this manipulation was not observed. The results of further studies on solid medium (meatpeptone agar) and the color smear simple dye (Gram) into the death of the bacterial cells have not been confirmed. In all cases, bacterial growth was observed, characteristic of these types of bacteria. The studies were conducted in 2015 on the basis of the Research Innovation Center of Microbiology and Biotechnology (Ulyanovsk) and with the financial support of the Foundation for Assistance to Small Innovative Enterprises in the scientific and technical sphere.


  • Биопленки — пространственно и метаболически структурированные сообщества микроорганизмов, заключенные во внеклеточный полимерный матрикс и расположенные на границе раздела фаз [2]

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  • Окраска мазков Klebsiella pneumoniae No 244 а) окраска образованной бляшки генцианвиолетом; б) окраска контроля по Граму

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Краткие сообщения

АГРЕГАЦИЯ БАКТЕРИЙ KLEBSIELLA OXYTOCA И KLEBSIELLA PNEUMONIAE ПОД ВЛИЯНИЕМ ХИМИЧЕСКОГО ФАКТОРА. В статье подтверждается факт образования бактериальных биопленок у штаммов бактерий вида Klebsiella oxytoca и Klebsiella pneumoniae при росте в жидких средах под действием негативного фактора (химического) — дезинфицирующего кислородосодержащего средства. При проведении исследований учитывались последние данные по проблеме, а именно работы о негативном воздействии кислорода на рост бактериальных клеток и его направляющем действии в качестве фактора образования биопленок. В процессе исследования нами был подтвержден феномен образования биопленочного сообщества, отмечены различия образования биопленки в зависимости от интенсивности (в данном случае концентрации) провоцирующего фактора и вида бактерии. Ключевые слова: бактерия, сообщества, агрегация, химический фактор, дезинфектант, биопленка. Агрегация бактерий Klebsiella oxytoca и Klebsiella pneumoniae под влиянием химического фактора // Инфекция и иммунитет.

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