
Introduction: Traditional approaches new approaches the authors and Age of in theory.. hypothetical conclusions. Part 1 The Wife of Bath: the Wife of Bath's Prologue and its sources women in urban society the written an spoken work season, astrology and ecclesiastical calandar faery sexuality and gender marriage - ritual marriage - change marriage - matter and spirit the Wife of Bath's Tale and its genre. Part 2 The Franklin: Chaucer, the Squire and the Franklin the Squire's Tale rhetoric - the power of words genre and the sense of reality aristocratic Mentalite lines 761-98 why did Arveragus cry?. Part 3 The Pardoner: drunkenness blood and wine flesh and bone the Pardoner as fool the Pardoner as satirist structure and sources the effects of rhetoric. Part 4 The merchant: sexuality, body and language allegory iconography the Faery and classical worlds source and genre comedy the Merchant's Complaint. Part 5 The Knight: the Return of Gaunt on seeing Emily - lines 1073-1186 the influence of Saturn the Speech of Saturn - lines 2453-69 the Justice of Jupiter the close of the Knight's Tale.

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