
In this article is described the actual problem of the dynamics of the development of educational and cognitive pupils’ interests during the last 3 years of their studying at school. The author underlines that the interests are the main thing of the people’s behaviour and activity. They stimulate and help to overcome some difficulties of life. They also help to reach the goal of life. Among interests great importance belongs to educational and cognitive interests of people. Learning conformities and conditions for forming and development of these interests are very important and actual for modern psychology. Forming and development of educational and cognitive pupils’ interests are not only taking into account the possibities of different subjects but psychologically correct forming of educational and cognitive process with the possibities between the pupils and teachers. Analyzing the literature from psychology and pedagogic must be admitted that the scientists do not always pay enough attention to describe the dynamics in the development of educational and cognitive interests of the pupils during the last 3 years of their studying at school. As a result, we have one-sided picture in the process of educational and cognitive pupils’ interests. In this article is mentioned that with the help of this experiment about educational and cognitive interests of the pupils of IX–XI grades at school Number 7 in Nizhyn is underlined that educational and cognitive interests are typical for schoolleavers. It is also mentioned that educational and cognitive interests become more understandable with years (when we compare with the pupils of the 9-th grade). At this time the positive attitude to the educational and cognitive activity become stronger.

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