
Introduction Julie V. Gottlieb and Richard Toye 1. Emmeline Pankhurst in the Aftermath of Suffrage, 1918-1928 June Purvis 2. From Prudent Housewife to Empire Shopper: Party Appeals to the Female Voter, 1918-1928 David Thackeray 3. The Impact of Mass Democracy on British Political Culture, 1918 - 1939 Pat Thane 4. The House of Commons in the Aftermath of Suffrage Richard Toye 5. Feminism and the Modern Woman: Debates in the British Popular Press, 1918-1939 Adrian Bingham 6. 'Doing Great Public Work Privately': Female Antis in the Interwar Years Philippe Vervaecke 7. Towards an Archaeology of Interwar Women's Politics: the Local and the Everyday Karen Hunt and June Hannam 8. 'Shut Against the Woman and Workman Alike': Democratizing Foreign Policy Between the Wars Helen McCarthy 9. 'We were done the moment we gave women the vote': The Female Franchise Factor and the Munich By-elections, 1938-39 Julie Gottlieb 10. 'They have made their mark entirely out of proportion to their numbers': Women and Parliamentary Committees, c. 1918-1945 Mari Takayanagi 11. The Political Autobiographies of Early Women MPs c.1918-1964 Krista Cowman 12. 'Women for Westminster,' Feminism, and the Limits of Non-partisan Associational Culture Laura Beers

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