
Quantitative easing (QE), as a measure of unconventional monetary policy (UMP), has been followed by many of the central banks of advanced economies to boost the economy by stimulating investment and consumption. The study identifies the most recent QE programs undertaken by central banks of four major advanced economies, namely, Federal Reserve (Fed), Bank of England (BOE), Bank of Japan (BOJ) and European Central Bank (ECB), and examines its impact on major macroeconomic indicators, namely output growth, inflation, exchange rate indices and stock market indices, employing vector autoregressive (VAR) models. Findings of the study suggest that QE was only favorable for real GDP growth of USA and the development of stock market of euro area. However, such an UMP failed to bring about changes in appropriate directions among the other economic indicators of these advanced economies. QE at an adequate scale to offset the recessionary forces could help achieve the expected results of the policy action. At the same time, policy makers should think over other supplementary measures that can support and expedite the impact of QE in favourable directions to achieve the desired goals of such UMP.

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