
Four new species of the genus Brumptaemilius Dollfus, 1952 are described from the intestine of various spirostreptid diplopods. B. antoinettae sp. n., from South Africa, is characterised by features of the male copulatory apparatus and area rugosa: two regular subventral rows of 75 (60-85) lobate, tuberculate papillae; postcloacal field of imbricate transverse rows of spines; form and disposition of subventral fields of rugosities; ventral region of tail non-rugose posterior to last pair of postcloacal papillae; spicules about 372 (338-390) μm long and with ca 44 (36-48) transverse striae; male tail spike ca 1.2 times as long as gubernaculum and female lateral alae terminating ca halfway between vulva and anus. B. imbricatus sp. n., from Zimbabwe and South Africa, is characterised by: the form of the male area rugosa, i.e., two subventral rows of tuberculate papillae bearing small lobe-like tips, a well developed postcloacal field of imbricate spines and rugosities not extending on to ventral region of subulate portion of tail; medium spicules 271 (259-287) μm long with 43 (38-49) transverse striae; subulate portion of tail rather long, 2.3 (2.1-2.6) times as long as gubernaculum; spermatophore present; lateral alae starting in anterior half of corpus in male and at anterior margin of corpus bulb in female. B. nigelus sp. n., from Nigeria and Togo, is characterised by: the form of the area rugosa, in particular that of the spine field array on the posterior cloacal lip, the extension of the rugose area on to the ventral region of the tail spike and tuberculate papillae with crown-like tips arranged as four, irregular rows anteriorly, becoming two, more regular rows posteriorly; relatively short spicule length of 215 (195-230) μm with 24 (21-29) transverse striae; subulate portion of male tail ca 1.7 times the gubernaculum length; presence of a spermatophore with a short, sinuate peduncle; lateral alae starting in vicinity of corpus/isthmus junction in both sexes. B. ugandae sp. n., from Uganda, is principally characterised by: features of the area rugosa, including the relatively few subventral tuberculate papillae arranged more or less in two rows, the shield-shaped field of imbricate spines on the posterior cloacal lip and the non-rugose ventral region at the base of the tail spike; subulate portion of male tail ca 1.6 (1.5-1.7) times the gubernaculum length; medium length spicules of 304 (266-331) μm with 21 (19-22) transverse striae; male lateral alae starting well posterior to the basal bulb and presence of a spermatophore with peduncle inserted into vulva. The type of the genus, B. sclerophorus Dollfus, 1952 is discussed and added to the list of species inquirendae.

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