
The Affordable Care Act legislation that was passed by the US Congress and signed into law by President Obama on March 23, 2010 is having a substantial effect throughout all of health care in the United States. Cardiothoracic surgeons, as hospital-based procedural specialists, bring unique assets and certain important liabilities into this massive restructuring of our health care delivery system. This article highlights how each of the 10 titles in the Obamacare legislation might affect our specialty; its collaborative relationship with our cardiovascular, medical specialty, and primary care colleagues; and our clinical practice roles and responsibilities in accountable care organizations and primary care medical homes. This article also addresses the unique assets in clinical data in medicine and quality improvement demonstrated by our specialty that have been used to help shape the current and future landscape. Finally, key resources are identified to allow the cardiothoracic community to monitor the ongoing progress of Obamacare as implementation begins. Keeping abreast of these rapidly changing developments will be an important role for our specialty societies and for practitioners alike going forward.

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