
The growth of e-commerce in Indonesia has increased with results of the number of internet users over the past year. Online shopping using an e-commerce platform is becoming increasingly popular because of the effectiveness and ease of use for information society. As a business platform, e-commerce was transformed into a digital market place that accommodates buyers and sellers. E-commerce is considered more practical, accompanied by a variety of interesting technical features. However, the growth of e-commerce is also experiencing barriers such as privacy issues. Privacy can be described as a consumer's ability to determine how and to what extent personal information is shared to e-commerce parties. Consumers' privacy concerns in e-commerce transactions stem from their potential loss of control over personal data and information. One of the most determinant related to consumer familiarity in operating e-commerce is technical aspects. Technical aspects are the first stride for consumers to navigate and protect personal information violations. This research will measure consumer familiarity with the technical aspect of potentially privacy protection behavior. A survey that take on 382 online shopper respondents has been conducted and analyzed testing a number of hypotheses focused on studying the attributes of each factor. Data analysis using Path Analysis upon privacy violation experience as mediated variable. The results show that the higher the familiarity of consumers in technical aspects, the higher protective privacy behavior. It can be understood that between technical familiarity and privacy protection behavior will be directly proportional. The privacy violation has a strong aspect in encouraging consumer protective privacy behavior.

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