
The aesthetic categories of popularity in Manhoing-cheong-ryu are classified as 6: the affection and grudge of love, the erotic, the sentimental, the comic, the fantastic, and the exclusiveness of violence. Based on these categories, I analyzed whole 116 sijo pieces in Manhoing-cheong-ryu. The sas?l-sijos about the affections and grudge of love in Manhoingcheong-ryu are 27 pieces of poems: #449, 465, 466, 477, 484, 496, 501, 517, 518, 541, 543, 551, 559, 564, 481, 493, 495, 502, 506, 507, 537, 540, 547, 553, 555, 568, and 580. Audiences feel aesthetic pleasure arises from sublimation of eternal love or emotional involvement to the affection and grudge of love, escaping from confucian ideology and ethics. The sasol-sijos about the erotic in Manhoing-cheong-ryu are 21 pieces: #479, 480, 491, 492, 494, 508, 519, 526, 533, 546, 552, 569, 574, 576, 503, 514, 545, 562, 565, 567 and 577. Men feel aesthetic pleasure arises from imagining and observing on women’s body and sexual love with patriarchic and voyeuristic eyes through sijo which depict sex as sensuality. On the other hand, women feel aesthetic pleasure arises from communication and oneness between man and woman. The sasol-sijos about the sentimental in Manhoing-cheong-ryu are 19 pieces: #468, 471, 475, 489, 498, 511, 515, 542, 548, 549, 563, 572, 579, 467, 488, 490, 534, 538 and 575. Audiences feel aesthetic pleasure from empathizing with such a tragic real world which the beauty, the good, the eternality, a love, and justice is lost. There is no sasol-sijo that depict only the comic. It appears along 29 sasol-sijos pieces like depicting sensual sex or singing a song about affection and grudge of love. Audiences feel joy and pleasure from sublimating confliction between affection and grudge into laugh, or making satirizing solemn and serious things. The sasol-sijos about the fantastic are also utilized for highlighting other subject. Audiences feel freedom about escaping from violating law and system. Through this fantasy, they also relax their mind, satisfy their desire and enjoy amusement of play. The sasol-sijo about the exclusiveness of violence is only 1: #550. The exclusiveness of violence is begun from pleasure which arises from giving damage to others or satisfaction which arises from excluding others and reinforcing identify. Focusing on audiences and performance stage, out of 116 sas?l-sijos pieces in Manhoing-cheong-ryu 17 pieces aim confucian aesthetics, 5 pieces post-medievalism, 88 pieces popularity. Out of 88 pieces in the aesthetic category of popularity, 61 pieces are the sijo about love.

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