
Supplement the use of ergogenic aids in cyclist’s directly have been improved the body metabolism and hemodynamic factors that are micro supplement in chancing reactions on the body muscle mass and limb muscle. Mostly knowing that, muscle power development progressive fast glycolytic and short time oxidative systems reactions. Sport competition intervals, therefore, during periods has been used specific drinks supported to cyclists. But, be obtained during should be long race times. Athletes directly needed some drug and fluid intake to prevent from metabolic breakdown rapidly the dynamic physiologic performance factors. Beta-alanine supplementation can be direct muscle performance development affects the anaerobic metabolism and capacity. It should be determined how the cyclists will use the competitive and training period intervals can increase the cyclists specific sprint and endurance race performance. Science cyclist International Road doses will be created in which, intervals can randomly effectively investigate. This study random cohort study is examined the effects of beta-alanine supplementation on aerobic and anaerobic power output in specific cyclists. Therefore, we have been databases PubMed, Scopus, and Medline initial search 10 August 2020 were created prospective effect the quality of bias work concluded Effect Size (ES) 95% Confidence Interval (CI) were used in the participant. Participants (N=66) have an age range of 25 to 38 of the using beta-alanine in training periods to endurance muscle performance, aerobic power, anaerobic power, and sprint time trials. As a result of beta-alanine improved anaerobic and aerobic power output on 4-week time-dependent trial performance condition. Significant values are obtained level factor-alpha <0.05 and p-value analysis pre-post interactive standardization.

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