
Fatimid intellectual production contains some remarkable personal memoirsthat deserve a joint study. The Kitab al-MunaJ?arat (The Book of Discussions)by lbn al-Haytham is one example of this kind ofliterature. Abu 'AbdAllah Ja·far ibn Ahmad ibn Muhammad ibn al-Aswad ibn al-Haytham wasa Qayrawani scholar of Sh􀁹 i persuasion when the Fatimid caliphate wasestablished in North Africa. In this Ki tab, he recorded his meetings and conversationswith the leaders of the Isma·ili da·wah (mission) in the firstmonths after the conquest ofQayrawan, from Rajab 296/March 909 until theappearance of the Imam al-Mahdi in Rabi' II 297/January 910.Although the existence of this work had been known for some time, itis only now that we have at our disposal the complete Arabic text, togetherwith an English translation, an introductory study, a bibliography and anindex. Paul E. Walker is mainly responsible for having realized the importanceoflbn al-Haytham's text. Both he and W. Madelung, whose collaborationhas been decisive in the final outcome, are the best qualified scholars ...

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