
Asthenopus angelae sp. nov. is described based on male and female imagos and associated nymphs from Argentina,Bolivia, Brazil and Colombia. The new species described is similar to A. curtus (Hagen). The nymphal and adult femalestages are indistinguishable from those of that species. The male adults can be separated from its congeners by thefollowing characters: penes tubular, with well developed median basal protrusion, curved ventro-medially, with apexacutely projected, furrow separating penial lobe from median basal protrusion reduced or absent; forceps relativelyslender; forelegs of male 0.6–0.7 × the length of the forewing; fore tarsal claws slightly widening distally; fore wings with 5–11 marginal intercalary veins relatively short.

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