
Schneeberg, K. and Beutel, R.G. 2011. The adult head structures of Tipulomorpha (Diptera, Insecta) and their phylogenetic implications. —Acta Zoologica (Stockholm) 92: 316–343. Head structures of adults of Tipula paludosa, Limonia sp. and Trichocera saltator were examined and described. The results are compared with conditions found in other dipterans and other antliophoran groups, notably Nannochoristidae. Several potential synapomorphies of a dipteran–nannomecopteran–siphonapteran clade are present in Tipuloidea and Trichocera, the labro-epipharyngeal food channel, the loss of the galea and the postpharyngeal pumping apparatus. The sensorial field of the maxillary palpomere 3, a potential dipteran–nannomecopteran synapomorphy, is also present but modified. The presence of M. clypeolabralis, labellae and mandibular stylets are groundplan apomorphies of Diptera, with secondary loss of the mandibles in Tipuloidea, Trichoceridae and many other groups. Tipuloidea is supported by the origin of M. tentorioscapalis anterior on the head capsule, the reduction of M. frontobuccalis anterior and the loss of the ocelli. The reduced tentorium, the origin of two further antennal muscles on the head capsule, the maxillary sensorial field with sensilla in individual pits, the lacking dorsal prelabial concavity and the unpaired salivary channel entering the head are apomorphies of Tipulidae. Closer affinities of Tipulidae and Cylindrotomidae are suggested by pseudotracheae of the advanced type, which have evolved independently in this lineage. The results do neither support a basal placement of Tipuloidea nor close affinities with Brachycera.

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