
In the article is show the results of experimental research of process acceptance and realization by a psychologist the education-professional problem, what is embedded in professional-practical task. Was proposed the psychological model of its process, the basic component of it is: the demands in the self-changing, motivational-target formation «desire for self-improvement», the problematization of available forms and means of professional activity, the ability to the solving of new educational-professional tasks. Was showed that the formulation of the specific perceived education-professional problem is doing when the personality desire to the self-development is available. Just because of it skills and abilities takes some practical direction – to the realization of the aim. Was substantiated that the solving of professional-practical task which was formed in professional life is not realize without the access to the educational space. That’s why the professional self-development is realizing in the context of self-education, what becomes a tool of the self-development. Are outlined the main types of professional development of practical psychologists (follow the criteria of the presence of a desire for self-improvement): «adaptive» – the subject is ready to set the teaching and educational tasks which are «into» the professional function and direction to the improve of the existing competencies; «active» – the specialist set the teaching and educational tasks which aimed to expansion of competencies which are formed and used; «protective» – declaration of intention to work with itself, the teaching and educational tasks are not setting; «passive» – the person declarates the absence of desire to work for self-improvement. The behavior of professional within other types of professional development can have a positive or negative influence to professional activity.


  • Scientific and methodical institution "National Institute of Education" of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus, Minsk, Republic of Belarus

  • In the article is show the results of experimental research of process acceptance and realization by a psychologist the education-professional problem, what is embedded in professional-practical task

  • That’s why the professional self-development is realizing in the context of self-education, what becomes a tool of the self-development

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In the article is show the results of experimental research of process acceptance and realization by a psychologist the education-professional problem, what is embedded in professional-practical task. Was showed that the formulation of the specific perceived education-professional problem is doing when the personality desire to the selfdevelopment is available Just because of it skills and abilities takes some practical direction – to the realization of the aim. Поведінка фахівця в рамках того чи іншого типу професійного розвитку може позитивно чи негативно позначитися на ефективності професійної діяльності. Ключові слова: професійний розвиток; освітньо-професійна задача; самовдосконалення; саморозвиток; прагнення до самовдосконалення; типи професійного розвитку; психологічні механізми. Тому потреба в дослідженні механізмів професійного розвитку в системі неперервної освіти випливає не лише з необхідності теоретичного вивчення цього процесу, - вона викликана сьогоденною актуальністю вирішення прикладних питань професійної підготовки практичних психологів і підвищення ефективності їхньої праці. І все частіше на перший план висуваються проблеми, які пов’язані з професійним саморозвитком суб’єкта діяльності

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