
Background: The terms epidemic and crisis appear almost daily in the media in relation to opiates. Barriers to treatment include the lack of early identification of substance use disorders. A review of the literature revealed no instruments specifically tested to identify opiate users for early intervention. One instrument that may serve this purpose is the Adolescent Domain Screening Inventory, or ADSI. Methods: This exploratory study is a secondary analysis and was conducted in 2018 on data collected in 2000; the study employed the use of an independent t-test and logistic regression through IBM SPSS 24 software. Results: The independent t-test showed a statistically significant difference between the ADSI scores for non-opiate users and opiate users (p < .001). The ADSI showed a 20% increase over the beginning block, and predicted 72.8% of opiate users in this sample. Conclusion: This study suggests that the ADSI may be a useful tool in identifying opiate users who are early in their use, in an effort to provide substance use intervention and treatment in a timely manner.

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