
A Historical Documentary Study Sharezoor eyalet had a strategic political, military, economic and social impact on the eastern borders of the Ottoman Empire. The establishment of Sharezoor eyalet dates back to 1564AD, which brought about major administrative changes in the eastern Ottoman eyalets specifically in terms of separating and identifying the administrative borders of Sharezoor eyelet from those of Mosul and Baghdad. At the same time, the expansion or narrowing of Sharezoor eyalet administration was linked to the internal administrative changes of Ottoman Empire. This, indeed, was one of the major characteristics of the Ottoman Empire. In other words, the structure of provincial administration changed significantly during the governance of the empire. Sometimes they would demolish some of these administrative units, other times they would separate some units from their present eyalets then assign themto differentones. For example, they demolished Mosul eyalet and added it to Sharezoor eyalet, then again turned it into a one independent eyalet. Ottoman provincial administration was strongly characterised by regional differentiation. Nonetheless, apart from the continuous fights between Ottomans and Safavids, there were also internal conflicts between some princes and tribes who were living in Sharezoor area. All these events played a significant role in the expansion or the shrinkage of Sharezoor eyalet from 1564 to 1600.The main question that this study seeks to answer is: “To what extent the expansion of Sharezoor province had an impact on internal and external events of Sharezoor eyalet?” also “ In what ways did the evolution of the Ottoman institutions had an impact on the future of Sharezoor eyalet?”. To answer these questions, this study will provide some new academic findings. The hope is that this study will lead to the enrichment of Kurdistan’s historical research that is accessible to current and future researchers.

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