
The paper outlines the administrative procedures followed and the decisions required when, in 1975/1976, a small land settlement scheme was proposed at the Anse Etoile Estate, North Mahe, Seychelles. After a preliminary survey, detailed data were assembled on specific issues. These included assessment of the future potential market for farm produce, collection of meteorological data for the locality, production of a detailed map of the land suitable for agricultural development, appraisal of necessary land development works, incidence of the crazy ant ( Anoplolepis longipes), farm types and sizes, minimum acceptable level of planned net family income, rent per unit farm, the supply of water and electricity, the provision of an access road to each farm, the design of farm buildings, the provision of a farmer advisory services unit and of training courses for prospective tenants, availability of family labour and the planning of farm enterprises. Areas were then identified where, for planning purposes, either more information is needed or more thought and discussion are required.

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