
Our objective was to investigate the additive properties of five psychosocial protective factors: purpose-in-life, resilience, optimism, internal locus of control and social connections. Self-reported psychological (depression, stress) and physical (health status, functionality) health outcomes and measured healthcare utilization and expenditures were included. The study sample was identified from adults age ≥65 who completed a health survey during May-June 2019 (N = 3,577). Each of the five protective factors was dichotomized as high/low (1/0) and counted with equal weighting. The protective factors were additive such that significant improvements in psychological and physical health outcomes were evident across factor subgroups: as the number of factors increased, health outcomes improved. The magnitude of the improvements was greatest between 0 and 1 factor. In addition, a significant linear trend for reduced healthcare expenditures ($1,356 reduction per factor added) was evident. Interventions promoting at least one protective factor would be beneficial for older adult populations.

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