
Introduction. The problem of studying the educational efforts of the first enlighteners of the Russian Land is of relevance, theoretical interest and practical value for teachers in terms of forming spiritual and moral values among the younger generation, familiarizing young people with remarkable examples of selfless activity of the founders of education in the enlightenment of their people. The purpose of the study is to characterize the main directions of educational efforts of Stefan Permsky and Trifon Vyatsky. Materials and methods. To achieve the aim of the research the author used the following scientific methods: analysis of the historical literature, scientific and pedagogical interpretation of the information contained in the sources; comparative and historical methods; axiological approach, which allows to identify the positive content in the scientific material to be studied. The results of the study. The historical importance of the invention of the first alphabet by Stefan Permsky for the Komi people is proved. Its use in the course of church services represented the first attempt to educate and, at the same time, convert this northern people to Christianity, and contributed to the spread of literacy and Orthodoxy in the Vyatka-Kama region as a whole. Tryphon Vyatsky is shown as the builder of Orthodox churches, which became, at his command, a repository of books and written documents, and this, in turn, stimulated the initial development of the letter "on Vyatka". Tryphon Vyatsky contributed to the spread of book literacy and moral development, first of local priests, and then of the entire population of the region. He showed himself as a strict zealot of Orthodox morality, who fought against the spread of bad habits. Both enlighteners are shown as spiritual mentors and guardians of order and morality. Their educational activities laid the foundation for the further development of education in the Vyatka-Kama region. Conclusion. The initial stage of the development of education in the region under consideration was carried out thanks to the ascetic efforts of the first educators, whose example up to the present time serves as a moral guide for the modern generation of teachers of the Vyatka-Kama Region.

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