
Although rail transport has a low environmental impact overall, noise from goods trains remains a major problem. Research has identified that wheel roughness is the critical factor and that composite materials will deliver adequate braking with less damage to the wheel surface than existing iron brake blocks. Accordingly, the UIC/CER has made a formal commitment to fit composite blocks to existing wagons as well as to all new wagons, although existing wheels cannot cope with the thermal stress from composite blocks. Fitting new wheels only when the old are worn out will be cost neutral, but will take 15–20 yr. Premature wheel replacement will involve additional cost, but will deliver the benefits in 5 years. This can be achieved with financial assistance from EU member-states, who will thereby avoid unnecessary outlay on noise barriers. At the same time proposals for a EU noise emission standard should reflect the performance achieved by the modified wagons. The railways propose a voluntary environmental agreement with the EU

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