
Three structural coiiiponents isolated froiii tlie wool fibre, t>wo by acid treatmen and one by allrali treatment, have been studied. Each treatment has been followed by specific analyses iii tun attempt to define the purity of the final products. Totttl o, niino‐acirl analyses were perfornied on these products when the specific analyses approached a constant due arid the iiiicroscopica examination inclicated that a well defined residualmeinbrano wars present.The results clearly show that t, he two nie, inhranes isolated by twirl treat, iiient> differ from each other, but that the third inay be identical with one of these. Further, all the irienihranes resistant to attack have a low content, of long‐side‐cliaiii amino acids, and in one case an exceptionally high cryst, irie content was found.

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