
1. Articles 2. The acquisition of French as a second language: New developmental perspectives (by Bardel, Camilla) 3. Articles 4. Synthese retrospective et nouvelles perspectives developpementales: Les recherches acquisitionnelles en francais L2 a l'Universite de Stockholm (by Bartning, Inge) 5. Pragmatic use of temporal adverbs in L1 and L2 French: Functions and syntactic positions of textual markers in a spoken corpus (by Hancock, Victorine) 6. La dislocation dans le francais oral d'apprenants suedophones: Emploi et developpement (by Engel, Hugues) 7. Vocabulary aspects of advanced L2 French: Do lexical formulaic sequences and lexical richness develop at the same rate? (by Lundell, Fanny Forsberg) 8. Formulaic and proceduralised language in the initial and advanced stages of learning French (by Towell, Richard J.) 9. The acquisition of additive scope particles by Moroccan Arabic L1 learners of French (by Veronique, Georges Daniel) 10. Development of object clitics in child L2 French: A comparison of developmental sequences in different modes of acquisition (by Granfeldt, Jonas) 11. Subject index

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