
Animal vocalizations convey multiple pieces of information about the sender. Some of them are stable, such as identity or sex, but others are labile like the emotional or motivational state. Only a few studies have examined the acoustic expression of emotional state in non-human animals and related vocal cues to physiological parameters. In this paper, we examined the vocal expression of isolation-induced stress in a songbird, the zebra finch (Taeniopygia guttata). Although songbirds use acoustic communication extensively, nothing is known to date on how they might encode physiological states in their vocalizations. We tested the hypothesis that social isolation in zebra finches induces a rise of plasma corticosterone that modifies the vocal behavior. We monitored plasma corticosterone, as well as call rate and acoustic structure of calls of males in response to the playback of female calls of varied saliences (familiar versus stranger) in two situations: social isolation and social housing. Social isolation induced both a rise in plasma corticosterone, and a range of modifications in males' vocal behavior. Isolated birds showed a lower vocal activity, an abolition of the difference of response between the two stimuli, and evoked calls with longer duration and higher pitch. Because some of these effects were mimicked after oral administration of corticosterone in socially housed subjects, we conclude that corticosterone could be partly responsible for the isolation-related modifications of calls in male zebra finches. To our knowledge, this is the first demonstration of the direct implication of glucocorticoids in the modulation of the structure of vocal sounds.

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