
Chicago, Nov. 1, 1902. To the Editor: —InThe Journalof Nov. 1, 1902, page 1107, Dr. Geo. M. Gould of Philadelphia uses the following language: That there is probably not an 'ophthalmic surgeon' in all Europe who can use this method (retinoscopy) with accuracy shows how far we are as a profession from knowing our science, practicing our art, or doing our duty. I admire Dr. Gould in all his scientific work and can follow his enthusiasm wherever it may lead, but I can not pass uncorrected such language from the editor of American Medicine , who has always advocated accuracy in language and diagnosis. To commit such an unpardonable sin of ignorance and unwarrantable discourtesy to foreign confreres, is to belittle his own argument. I have recently had the pleasure of a rather extensive tour through some of the best of German university hospitals, and in nearly every clinic

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