
Psychosomatic Medicine and Psychotherapy has been a separate medical specialty in Germany since 1992. Training takes a minimum of 5 years in an approved training centre and includes 3 years in Psychosomatic Medicine and Psychotherapy, 1 year in Psychiatry and 1 year in Internal Medicine. The specialty is etiologically defined and includes all diseases in the development of which psychosocial and psychosomatic factors play a decisive role. The section of the population requiring care thus ranges from patients with depression or anxiety disorders and personality disorders through the wide area of somatoform syndromes to cardiological or oncological illnesses with somatopsychic syndromes. Specialist training in Psychosomatic Medicine and Psychotherapy is characterised by the acquisition of a solid double-qualification in both somatic medicine and psychotherapy. Furthermore sound knowledge and skills, particularly in the outpatient sector, are indispensable to later professional activities. The concept presented has enabled a highly qualified and broad-based specialist training programme to be developed. The large numbers of applicants for trainee positions have shown that it is extremely attractive to young physicians.

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