
This study reports on the abundance and distribution of mangrove gastropods from Kuala Selangor Nature Park, Malaysia (KSNP). The line transect method with quadrats (5m x 5m) was employed to sample the gastropods. Gastropods were collected from the leaves, branches, stems and roots of trees and the mangrove floor. Nineteen gastropod taxa from seven families were recorded from the Bruguiera, mixed (Bruguiera, Avicennia and Rhizophora), Avicennia and Rhizophora zones. Avicennia sp. recorded the largest Girth at Breast Height (GBH) (mean±sd=37.3±18.2 cm) while Bruguiera sp. recorded the smallest GBH (mean=22.36±8 cm). The overall density of the gastropods at KSNP was 0.85 no/m2. The gastropod density was higher at the Avicennia & Rhizophora zone (150-200m (closer to the mudflats) (0.064±0.084 no/m2) followed by the mixed zone (50-150m) (0.046±0.30 no/m2) and lowest at the Bruguiera zone (0-50m) (0.08±0.080 no/m2) (closer to the coastal bund). Gastropod density between sampling zones did not vary significantly (p>0.05) but generally increased from the bund towards the mudflat edge. Further studies of the role of gastropods in the coastal food chain, as bio-indicators of habitat change and as potential food source for local populace are needed.

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