
We revisit the weak absorption spectrum of natural nitrous oxide between 7250 and 7653 cm−1 for which rovibrational assignments were previously reported in Lu et al. (doi:10.1016/j.jqsrt.2012.03.005). Our main goal is to provide intensity information for the high number of lines detected by cavity ring down spectroscopy in the region. Line parameters of about 4180 transitions were retrieved from a line-by-line profile adjustment. They belong to 69 bands of the 14N216O, 14N15N16O, 15N14N16O, and 14N218O isotopologues, present in natural isotopic abundance in the sample. Eight bands are newly reported. The band-by-band analysis allowed for the determination of refined values of the rovibrational parameters of a total of 68 upper vibrational states. Eight 14N216O bands were found to be affected by local rovibrational perturbations and a total of 31 extra lines due to an intensity transfer could be identified. The comparison with the recent NOSL-296 and Ames line lists is discussed in detail. The overall agreement is very satisfactory. As concerns line intensities, the NOSL and Ames lists show both specific advantages and drawbacks which are discussed.

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