
Introduction The social danger of is that, first of all, it affects all the segments of the society and comes up with ethical justification both from those who trade influence and those who tend regulate social relations without being subject law. Thus, Saratov Center for organized crime and research conducted a survey of students in Saratov and Samara in 2008--2010. Replying the question Is always an absolute evil for society? in 2010 47.2% of respondents chose the following answer: corruption is a negative phenomenon but it can bring benefits a particular subject. In 2008 the same answer chose 29% of respondents. In 2008 47% believed that challenged the very foundation of society, abused the rights and freedoms of citizens. In 2010 only 37.9% chose this answer (Lapunin, 2010). The results of the study demonstrate tolerant attitude of one of the most active social groups, young adults, corruption, and the threshold of tolerance is becoming lower. Criminological environment does not inspire optimism among the scientists who have acknowledge that is an inevitable integral and even necessary part of our life (Golik, 2003). Secondly, produces other crimes. For this reason, is called a foundation of crimes. For the time being, we can say that forms of corruptive behavior as a national scale phenomenon on the state level have been recognized though with a significant delay. Thus, in paragraph 1 of the National strategy combat adopted by Presidential Decree No. 460 of April 13, 2010, it is emphasized that corruption still discourages smooth functioning of all social mechanisms, preventing social transformations and modernization of national economy; it generates serious concern and mistrust in the Russian society state institutions, creates a negative image of Russia in the international scene, and rightfully is considered as one of the security threats in the Russian Federation (hereinafter we use normative legal acts form the legal system Consultant Plus). Traditionally, (law enforcement) is regarded as an exceptionally governmental task. Civil society is left within the sphere. Specificity of forms of shows that without participation of civil society this problem cannot be solved. Corruption in modern Russian society is not only the face of the crisis but also the embodiment of the vicious circle which is impossible break without participation of civil institutions. For scientists it has been clear for a long time. need gain understanding and attract support of the population in implementing state policy for crimes in general and their most dangerous forms. Today, when civil society and authorities exist as though in parallel worlds, it is a hard task, thinks professor L.I. Romanova (2003). Approved National strategy combat put on the first place to provide participation of the civil society institutions in combating (subparagraph 'a', paragraph 8, section IV). This concept alongside the National strategy combat for 2014-2015 adopted by Presidential Decree No. 226 of April 1, 2014 suggest many measures concerning fostering public awareness and participation of population in combating. We should note that these documents are not 'state' but 'national' which shows the efforts of authorities act in consolidation with civil society. Methods Technical, comparative legal, method of synthesis and analyses, systemic, sociological (surveys in the form of interviews and questionnaires), statistical, technical, comparative legal, and historical methods enable us explore current and previous criminal and other types of legislation in terms of combating; identify regularities and tendencies in its condition and development in dynamics. …

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