
The care and education of children below school age is an area of intense public debate and the subject of considerable policy innovation in Western democracies. Child care raises complex philosophical and policy issues ranging from broad questions about the relative responsibilities of state, market and family to technical aspects of policy design such as the interaction of child care subsidies with income support, family payments and taxation. Across the developed world, countries are finding new ways to address the growing need for child care, with market‐based solutions looming large in several countries. This paper analyses Commonwealth policy towards long day care in Australia since the early 1990s. It explores the shift towards market‐based, for‐profit care for children below school age, especially the growth of publicly listed child care corporations. In allowing a single corporation to assume a dominant position in the provision of long day care, Australia has embarked on a vast experiment in the care of children, unparalleled in other countries.

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