
The study aims to identify the strategy's effectiveness (4H) in achieving science and creative thinking among students in the second intermediate grade. The study sample included two groups, one of them was the experimental group, and its number of students was (30) students, and the control group represented the other group, and the number of its students was (30). Intentionally, the researcher chose Birir Intermediate School for Boys from the research community represented by the middle schools affiliated with the Directorate of Education of Diyala Governorate / Baquba. The researcher adopted the experimental study method for conducting his research, which includes one independent variable (the 4H strategy) and two dependent variables (scholastic achievement and creative thinking). The researcher chose the experimental design to control the research variables. Before starting the experiment, the researcher rewarded the two research groups for obtaining accurate results with the following variables: chronological age calculated in months, previous achievement of students, Raven test of intelligence, and the test of creative thinking.

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