
We study the algebras underlying solvable lattice models of the type fusion interaction round the face (IRF). We propose that the algebras are universal, depending only on the number of blocks, which is the degree of polynomial equation obeyed by the Boltzmann weights. Using the Yang-Baxter equation and the ansatz for the Baxterization of the models, we show that the three blocks models obey a version of Birman-Murakami­Wenzl (BMW) algebra. For four blocks, we conjecture that the algebra, which is termed 4-CB (Conformal Braiding) algebra, is the BMW algebra with a different skein relation, along with one additional relation, and we provide evidence for this conjecture. We connect these algebras to knot theory by conjecturing new link invariants. The link invariants, in the case of four blocks, depend on three arbitrary parameters. We check our result for G2 model with the seven dimensional representation and for SU(2) with the isospin 3/2 representation, which are both four blocks theories.

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