
(The 3rd ICATES 2021) “Innovative Agricultural and Biosystem Engineering for Sustainable Food, Water, Energy, and Environment” Banda Aceh, 21 September 2021 Extended Preface The ICATES is annual conference organized primary by the Department of Agricultural Engineering, Universitas Syiah Kuala. This year, in the 3rd consecutive year 2021, ICATES conducted the 3rd conference with co-hosted by University Malaysia, Pahang (UMP), Agricultural Mechanization Research Center (PUSMEPTAN) Syiah Kuala University, South Aceh Poly-technique (Poltas Aceh Selatan) and LPPM Winaya Mukti. Surely, we plan to conduct this conference physically just like previous ICATES in August 2019. However, due to the unforseen circumstances of global pandemic COVID-19, the 3rd ICATES 2021 conference was carried out virtually as same as ICATES 2020 by zoom meeting platform. We took this option because this conference was already designated and funded. Keynote and invited speakers were also scheduled for this event. Many delegations and authors requested for this conference to be performed, even virtually, since they need it to cover their publication and sharing knowledge requirements.The conference itself was run as planned on 21st September 2021 with the support from virtual event organizer started from 8.00 am to 19.00 pm. The ICATES committee members were managed this event in a particular room as a studio along with two appointed MCs. The conference was officially opened by the Rector of Syiah Kuala University, Prof. Samsul Rizal and it is broadcast lively via YouTube platform with recorded participants reach 447 were joined. The main event was started by video presentation from the Keynote speaker Prof. Okke Batelaan from Flinders University, Australia, followed by invited speaker from UMP Malaysia Assoc. Prof. Ramadhansyah Putra Jaya. The discussion session was performed directly once the second speaker was completed his presentation. Then, the second session of keynote speaker was started after 20 minutes break with the speaker from University Technology Mara (UiTM) Dr.rer.nat Shahril Anuar Bahari, followed by the last invited speaker Dr. Joko Pitoyo from Indonesian Center for Agricultural Engineering Research and Development (ICAERD).Moreover, parallel sessions were started after all keynote speaker session and participants were divided into 8 breakout rooms in zoom platform based on their related sub-topics. The operator acted as virtual Host and Co-host to manage and ensure all presenters and participants were put in the right place. Each participant and presenter was identified by renaming their name to room number and author full name. Presenter was given about 10 minutes for power point presentation via Screen Sharing and 5 minutes for discussion and shifted to next presenter. During the conference, video capabilities were turned on to ensure dynamic conference.As the conference chair, I firmly believe that the success of a virtual conference like this event can be achieved by arranging a stimulating program. We sincerely hope that next forthcoming ICATES conference will be conducted lively in touch as previously ICATES event in 2019. Thus, everyone finds the conference is stimulating and enjoying.Cordially yoursConference ChairDr. Safrizal, ST., M. SiList of International Scientific Committees, Steering Committees, Organizing Committees, Keynote Speaker , Waste Plastic: Recycle And Reuse For Sustainable Road Construction, Bamboo, A Great Plant for Green Plan, Review of Rice Transplanter and Direct Seeder to be Applied in Indonesia Paddy Field are available in this pdf.

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